Start on The Ordinance page and read our suggested amendments. This Ordinance is all-encompassing and touches many aspects of urban forestry in Los Angeles, yet few people seem to have heard of it or understand how it works. We consider this website a work in progress and welcome your feedback.

City Council voted on the Ordinance language in Council File: 16-0461-S1 and can suggest amendments to it (the way we see it, that is).

The Urban Forestry Division, under StreetsLA, regularly reports to the Department of Public Works Board of Commissioners. We think this is a good place to seek answers and advocate. No information about the Ordinance is listed on their website portal.

Urban Forestry is under StreetsLA, under Public Works. No information about the Ordinance is listed on their website portal.

The City Forest Officer position was created in 2019 by Mayor Garcetti. The City Forest Officer operates within the Board of Public Works. No information about the Ordinance is listed on their website portal.

Language in the Ordinance speaks to in-lieu fees being collected from developers and then placed in a “Trust Fund”, held by Public Works, which is then supposed to be used for tree-planting projects specific to “community plans”, “specific area plans” and Council Districts. It makes sense that Council Members would know or can get information about this funding.